
Bulk protect me of the Crowl

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marianagatto's avatar

Literature Text

Normal P.O.V.

"It had been the tenth threat this week. Miko already forgotten when the disturbance began. Earlier, the contents of the tickets were things like" stupid girl "," retarded are losers ","fuck off loser " . With the passing of the weeks , content only got worse. Miko was already being called names, she was threatened with death. Her assailant begun using drawings on tickets.  In prints , Miko was portrayed as a prostitute disgusting ,as a pest to be eradicated. A poor girl not could stand the pain. She could be a bit undisciplined as to studies, but she  did not hurt anyone. Why so angry, why she dressed differently, why she was foreign, or who knows a crush poorly resolved?
Miko Nakadai was scared. She did not know what to do. Will believe her? Did the police would treat her case with respect? Or will the law enforcers to ignore her  because she is foreign. And her autobots  friends , what think? And Bulk, how he would react to seeing his girlfriend being so cowardly threatened?
While the threats just stay on tickets would be okay. But unfortunately, Miko received a mysterious anonymous phone call.
"Hello, who is speaking?" Said Miko.
"Call me only of the Crow . I 'll be short: I came out here, pestilence!"
And the Crow  hung up girl.
The Crow would never get into the school of Miko. So his only way to send the tickets was playing  their through the bedroom window of Miko. He had to be very elusive to not be discovered.
He thought no one was watching. Little did he know, that sometimes, a white man, tall, muscular and it looked 25 years watched. This man knew that Miko was being threatened. He was someone very important in her life. Every day they saw themselves. Then Miko was like an open book to him.
However, our man chose to keep quiet and not ask Miko about the threats.  
Do not know who the man is? Simple, is  a Bulk's holoform,  Miko's guardian and   boyfriend . Therefore, he is following the Crow. The green giant swore he'd kill the bastard if he touched the Miko.

The Crow was not stupid. In his search, he discovered that Miko was alone at home on Saturday. It was a perfect day for him to perform his greatest desire: to kill Miko.
He would dopa her  and then stab her. But, one way would make it look like a suicide. The Crow had a plan really perfect.
What he did not count on was that at the time he was executing the plan, the police showed up and arrested him for attempted murder.
That's why there was a certain owl set up a plan to capture him with  a certain special federal agent named William Fowller.

The Crow was tried, convicted and sentenced to prison for the crimes of intimidation, racism and attempted murder. And a good time will be behind bars.
And owl can get with his girl. In peace, because they deserve to be happy together.
The owl? It is the Bulk. ?
Note: The Crow struck again. Protect  the Miko lovers . Jack, Bulk, any canon character or OC,  protect  Miko of the Crow's flames . Go away, your damn bird!
Title: Bulk , protect me of the Crowl
Par: Miko x Bulk
Universe: Prime
Warnings: Threats, xeno straight couple, OOC, AU, disturbance, violence
Rated: T
Summary: Miko has received threats of a fanatic. As Bulkhead react upon seeing his beloved being threatened? One-shot .
© 2012 - 2024 marianagatto
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HNewCrossP93's avatar
Argh! Eu odeio o bullyng! Fui vitima dele na sétima serie e desde então tenho dificuldades para falar com as pessoas, etc.